Delivery charges are excluding the prices of the items listed on our website, charges depends on the items that are shipped from within the country or from other countries as to the availability of the respective courier services.
Deliveries take upto maximum 15 days to 45 days depending on the selected/paid for shipping method, also depends on stock availability of the product in order placed.
If sometimes there are holidays at the factory holiday list is not mentioned on the website so the item will be dispatched as soon as the holidays are over.
All orders are lined up on first come first serve basis.
After you place your order, we are notified about your order via email, our team find the stock availability and try to dispatch the product to the given delivery address as soon as possible.
Usually we try to dispatch the order within 48-72 hours of the order received.
Invoices are usually shipped within the parcel itself and if the customer is looking to find a tax invoice formally created for their return purpose then they can write to us on our contact form and make the request.
After the amount has been deducted from your bank account, it is credited to our payment gateways account, and usually on hold until we dispatch the shipment and is released to our bank account as soon as we have dispatched your order.
A wishlist allows shoppers to create personalized collections of products they want to buy and save them in their user account for future reference. Wishlists signify a customer’s interest in a product without an immediate intent to purchase.
If you have received the damaged goods, you can share us the pictures and we will verify if it has been sent in that manner or been damaged in the transit. You can return any item that is eligible for return and its return window has not expired. Replacement or exchange of products is based in availability of products. There are different processes of return and replacement for our fulfilled products and third-party fulfilled products. However, we try our level best to help our customers to be satisfied with the returns and exchanges, if possible.
Yes, if you want to change your item, you can write to us within 24hours of placing your order, but if the item has been dispatched then it is not possible to cancel/change your order.
After the items has been dispatched, we hold the data of shipping slips for all the orders under way to be delivered.